
Visitor Profile

Annapolis in the United States is unique for it’s demographics. Many US citizens from that area are very active, love the outdoors, and additionally make enough money to enjoy sailing as a way of life, and therefore come to the USSS with a purpose. Visitor profile is below.

With Mediterranean Fleet Operators being a part of the United States Sailboat Show, representatives can directly meet such visitors and potential clients to make business deals on the spot.

It is not a coincidence that the best Sailboat Show is right under their nose. US visitors who love sailing and cannot imagine a holiday without being on the beautiful European coast will be THERE, at the USSS!

More and more tourists from the United States have a wish to explore Europe and it’s hidden beauties, and they can! Americans are known to be the best tourist consumers in the world, which makes them very desirable guests.

Statistics show that 50% of USSS visitors earn $200,000 per year and approximately 20% of the USSS visitors make more than $250,000 per year. As there is a rising trend of US tourists visiting Europe, Europe has become the TOP destinations in 2017 for US travels.

Making business deals with US tourists and European tourists is different, and there is NO BETTER WAY to get even more people from the United States to Europe, than by being a part of the Mediterranean Corner.

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